Robert Whitman, Chairman Tim Young
Richard Nygren
Douglas Hooper
Also present: Attorney Joel Seachrist, Wayne Cook, Michelle McIntyre, Doug Hoisington, Randall and Violet Davidson, Ron and Sandy Schifano, Michael Terhart, Lyle Hajdu, Scott Schang, Merry Schang, Stacy Cook, Ron Woehrling, Code Enforcement Officer Jeff Swanson.
Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes April 22, 2015
A public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Busti was held on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town of Busti Administration Building, 125 Chautauqua Avenue, Lakewood, New York, to consider the following applications:
Application of Ronald Schifano, 1352 Orr Street, Jamestown, New York, for a renewal of a special use permit for a generator. Property is in the Conservation/Residential District, owned by him and known as Section 420.00, Block 3, Lot 55 of the official tax map of the Town of Busti. Mr. Schifano was in attendance and indicated that there has been no change in the use and operation of the generator since it was installed three years ago. Tim Young made a motion to grant the application of Ronald Schifano to renew a special use permit for a generator at 1352 Orr Street, Jamestown, New York. Seconded by Richard Nygren. All aye. Carried.
Application of Scott Schang, 1071 Hunt Road, Lakewood, New York for an area variance for a pole barn. Property is owned by him and is known as Section 385.03, Block 2, Lot 4.1 of the official tax map of the Town of Busti. Property is in the Conservation/Residential District. The Board reviewed the balancing test and determined that the benefit to the applicant outweighed any detriment to the neighborhood. Richard Nygren made a motion to grant the application of Scott Schang to build a 36’ x 40’ pole barn, to be no closer than 25’ to the west property boundary. Variance is for 63’ road frontage and 15’ on the west side yard. Seconded by Tim Young. All aye. Carried.
Application of Doug Hoisington and Michelle McIntyre, 1498 Orr Street, Jamestown, New York for an area variance for a house addition and garage addition. Property is owned by them and known as Section 403.00, Block 3, Lot 27 of the official tax map of the Town of Busti. Property is in the Conservation/Residential District. The Board reviewed the balancing test and determined that the benefit to the applicant outweighed any detriment to the neighborhood. Tim Young made a motion to grant the application of Doug Hoisington and Michelle McIntyre for an addition to the house of a utility space, an enclosed porch, and a 12’ x 20’ bedroom, and for a 16’ x 25’ addition to the garage. The utility space shall be no closer than 18’ to the north property boundary. Variance is for 56’ road frontage and 22’ on the north side yard. Seconded by Richard Nygren. All aye. Carried.
Application of Randall and Violet Davidson, 970 Big Tree Sugar Grove Road, Jamestown, New York for an area variance for a garage. Property is owned by them and known as Section 419.00, Block 2, Lot 56 of the official tax map of the Town of Busti. Property is in the Conservation/Agricultural District. The Board reviewed the balancing test and determined that the benefit to the applicant outweighed any detriment to the neighborhood. Richard Nygren made a motion to grant the application of Randall and Violet Davidson to build a 24’ x 30’ single story garage, to be no closer than 15’ to the south boundary property line. Variance is for 25’ on the south side yard. Seconded by Tim Young. All aye. Carried.
Application of Michael Terhart, 160 Eastbrook Drive, Euclid, Ohio for an area variance for an addition. Property is owned by him, located at 37 Loomis Bay Road, Ashville, New York and known as Section 367.15, Block 2, Lot 10 of the official tax map of the Town of Busti. Property is in the Multi- Family Residential District. The Board reviewed the balancing test and determined that the benefit to the applicant outweighed any detriment to the neighborhood. Tim Young made a motion to grant the application of Michael Terhart for 6’ X 19’ addition, to be no closer than 6.5’ to the east property boundary. Variance is for 75’ road frontage and 8.5’ on the east side yard. Seconded by Richard Nygren. All aye. Carried.
Application of Lyle and Mary Hajdu, 4350 West Summit Street, Lakewood, New York for an area variance for a house addition and garage addition. Property is owned by them and known as Section 385.05, Block 4, Lot 30 of the official tax map of the Town of Busti. Property is in the Conservation/Residential District. The Board reviewed the balancing test and determined that the benefit to the applicant outweighed any detriment to the neighborhood. Richard Nygren made a motion to grant the application of Lyle and Mary Hajdu for a single story 16’ x16’ addition to the house and a single story 12’ x 12’ addition to the garage, both of which shall be in line with the existing buildings. Variance is for lot coverage (variance of 4.5%) and lot size. Seconded by Tim Young. All aye. Carried.
Application of Wayne Cook, 4362 West Summit Street, Lakewood, New York for an area variance for an addition. Property is owned by him and known as Section 385.05, Block 4, Lot 25 of the official tax map of the Town of Busti. Property is in the Conservation/Residential District. Mr. Cook was in attendance and reviewed his plans for the addition. Because the existing home on the property currently sits 2.5’ from the east side boundary, there was concern from the Board about the second story dimensions of the proposed addition, which would bring the house an additional 1’ closer that boundary. The Board determined that in order to approve the application of Mr. Cook, the actual variance being granted would be read in with the condition that the east-west dimension of the second story addition not exceed the existing width of the house. The Board reviewed the balancing test and determined that the benefit to the applicant outweighed any detriment to the neighborhood. Tim Young made a motion to grant the application of Wayne Cook for a 12’ x 24’ first story and 24’ x 26’ second story addition, both of which are to be in line with the existing house and no closer than 2.5’ to the east boundary and 11’ to the west boundary. Variance is due to lot size. Seconded by Richard Nygren. All aye. Carried.
Upon motion made by Robert Whitman and seconded by Tim Young, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully given,
Susan Huffman
Deputy Town Clerk