April 16, 2018
A regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Busti was held on Monday, April 16, 2018 at 6:45 p.m., at the Town of Busti, Town Administration Building, 125 Chautauqua Avenue, Lakewood, New York with the following members present:
Supervisor Jesse M. Robbins
Councilman Jim Andrews
Councilman Todd Hanson
Councilman Kenneth Lawton
Councilman Rudy Mueller
Supervisor Robbins called the meeting to order with the salute to the flag and a moment of silence was observed, Supervisor Robbins asked those in attendance to remember the family of Town of North Harmony Supervisor Sally Carlson, who passed away March 23rd.
Present at the meeting were: Highway Superintendent Melvin Peterson, Busti Lakewood Police Chief John Bentley, Code Enforcement Officer Jeffrey Swanson, Busti Fire Department Chief Matt Stafford, Ryan White, Village of Lakewood Trustee Randy Holcomb, Village of Lakewood Ted McCague, and Legislator P. J. Wendel.
Town Clerk Darlene Nygren reported the Clerk’s office collected $6,096,043 for the 2018 County Town Taxes, there were 454 unpaid parcels/bills returned to the county totaling $647,267. The breakdown of payment type is 44% in person, 48% through the lockbox, 8% through the mail at the office, and less than 1% was received at the county (utilities). Town Clerk Nygren will be attending the OSC seminar with Bookkeeper, Susan Williams, on Thursday and will be attending New York State Clerk Associations Annual Conference next Sunday through Wednesday. Clerk Nygren sent a “thank you” note to Busti Men’s Association thanking them for hosting their annual egg hunt and sent a sympathy card to Village of Lakewood Mayor Cara Barrettieri. Clerk Nygren read a note from Norman Carlson thanking the Highway Department for their help clearing a limb that fell in front of his home.
Chief John Bentley reported the department has had 2,656 incidents ytd and 1,035 incidents since the last board meeting.
Highway Superintendent Melvin Peterson reported the department has been sweeping intersections and working on water issues at the Loomis Park pavilion. The blacktop plant is open. Superintendent Peterson reported a Park’s employee had an accident with the Park’s truck, going over an embankment on Cowing Road. No other vehicles or persons were involved. The employee was transmitted to UPMC WCA hospital and released with no injuries. The truck appears to be totaled, however, the insurance will be sending an insurance adjuster out to access the damage.
Code Enforcement Officer Jeff Swanson reported he has sent several property maintenance letters out and has had inquiries for new construction, currently permits have been issued for three new residences in the town.
Busti Fire Department Chief Matt Stafford reported the department has had 97 incidents ytd, and 28 for the month of March.
Ryan White, Southwestern Soccer Club, reported on the progress of the construction of the new concession stand/restrooms at Loomis Park. He is hoping the facility will be functional by June. The cost of construction has exceeded the original proposal due to changes to the original plan, including size, material, etc. Mr. White and the Southwestern Soccer Club are working to secure additional funding, which includes funds from the club. A second application was submitted to Chautauqua Regional Community Foundation, who will meet next week to review applications. An application was also submitted to the Sheldon Foundation, the next round of grant applications will be presented for review in September. The club intends to acknowledge sponsors either with a banner or a plaque. Mr. White will get a sample and determine the size for the town board’s review.
The proposed agreement from the Village of Lakewood not to spray herbicides adjacent to the village was determined irrelevant. No further discussion.
Attorney Joel Seachrist is preparing the amended Lakewood Busti Police Agreement which was presented to the board at the March 5th meeting.
Attorney Joel Seachrist is preparing the addendum to the Code Enforcement Officer agreement with the Village of Lakewood, to include the addition of Zoning Officer.
Supervisor Robbins moved to set a public hearing on the 7th day of May, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. pursuant to Section 405-27(D) of the Town of Busti Zoning Code for the application of Jason Genberg, Martin Road and Eric Anderson, Peck Settlement Road, Jamestown, New York, for a Special Use Permit to operate an Agritourism Business. The property is owned by Cederquist Trust and located on Baker Street and known as Section 403.00 Block 2 Lot 6.1 of the official tax map of the Town of Busti. The property is in the Conservation Residential District. Motion was duly seconded by Councilman Hanson.
All in favor, carried.
Updating the Computer/Internet Use policy was tabled until the May 7, 2018 meeting.
Supervisor Robbins moved the following resolution, which was duly seconded by Councilman Hanson:
RESOLVED, to authorize Code Enforcement Officer Jeff Swanson, Deputy Town Clerk Susan Huffman, and Deputy Court Clerk Nancy Jordan to attend Southern Tier West Local Government Conference at Houghton College, May 9, 2018.
Upon roll call vote, all aye, carried.
Code Enforcement Office Swanson presented a proposed Shared Fire Code Inspector Agreement between the Town of Busti and the Village of Lakewood. The proposed position would be paid an hourly wage, each municipality would be responsible to pay wages for time worked within their jurisdiction as well as the fees collected for the inspection. The training would be split 50/50 between the two municipalities and the proposed start date is June 1st. Village of Lakewood Trustee Ted McCague noted he, Trustee Randy Holcomb, Councilman Rudy Mueller, Councilman Jim Andrews, and CEO Swanson worked on the logistics of creating the position and the proposed agreement. The position would be experimental and reviewed every three months. The committee believes the position would protect the local fire departments as well as the municipalities.
Discussion followed. No decision was made.
County Legislator PJ Wendel reported the county has changed from using coroners to certify deaths in health facilities to attending physicians completing the certification. New York State is delaying the Municipal Consolidation and Efficiency Competition grant being awarded until the state budget is passed. Legislator Wendel noted the county continues to discuss the weed issues in Chautauqua Lake and how to cover the cost of further studies and treatment.
Supervisor Robbins moved the following resolution which was duly moved by Councilman Hanson:
RESOLVED, that Supervisor Robbins be authorized and directed to pay the presented General Fund, Highway Fund, and the Joint Recreation Fund for Abstract No. 4 from warrant #133 to and including warrant #229 in the amount of $128,954.71.
Upon roll call vote, all aye, carried.
Supervisor Robbins moved to accept the March 5, 2018 Regular Town Board minutes, motion was duly moved by Councilman Mueller.
All in favor, carried.
Councilman Hanson noted the proposed fee schedule has been emailed to all board members for their review and would like to make a final decision at the May 7th Town Board meeting. Councilman Hanson reported the file room is finished. Solar Liberty is revising the plans for the solar panels on the Administration and Highway Buildings.
Code Enforcement Officer Swanson mentioned he believes the town should investigate establishing a moratorium on Solar Farms and Wind Turbines until new zoning regulations governing their construction can be enacted. Legislator Wendel advised the board to be very transparent with any moratorium, but thought it was best to be ahead of the interest instead of behind it. The town board will discuss the matter further at the May 7th meeting.
Supervisor Robbins moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 p.m. which was duly moved by Councilman Andrews.
All in favor, carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Darlene H. Nygren, Town Clerk