Planning Board Minutes
July 6, 2020
6:30 p.m.
PRESENT: David Paterniti – Chairman James Butler
Janet Briggs
Linda Anderson
Diane VanDewark
Absent: Robert Whitman
PRESENT: Joel Seachrist, Attorney for the Town; Marsha Nall, Leona Anderson, Lawrence Nall, Tom & Becky Danielson, Tara and Shawn Cotter, and Dave Gniewecki
Chairman David Paterniti called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Chairman Paterniti noted the Planning Board had received an application for Site Plan Review from Tara and Shawn Cotter, 837 Shadyside Rd, to construct a new building at 4374 Fairmount Avenue, parcel is owned by them and designated as Section 385.05, Block 4, Lot 65, 66, 67 on the official tax map of the Town of Busti and located in the Highway Commercial (HC) District.
Tara Cotter shared her plans for the proposed business located at 4374 Fairmount Avenue. The initial use will be the sale of fruits and vegetables with the possibility of installing a kitchen for canning and freezing. She has communicated with the Chautauqua County Health Department and will consider consulting with them moving forward. The building will be a 40’ x 40’ pole building with a 6’ open lean to and a 20’ x 25’ pavilion. She presented the board with structural plans for the building in addition to the site plan that was presented with the application.
Residents present voiced their concern regarding the aesthetics of the building and that it would fit well with the surrounding businesses. The drainage was another concern, especially with the amount of excavation that has taken place.
Chairman Paterniti noted South and Center Sewer District has an easement at the rear of the property. He would like to see the building closer to the road with the parking on the side or rear of the building. Ms. Cotter stated there is a storm drain in front of the property and the lot is being developed with a 1% grade from the back to the front.
Chairman Paterniti inquired about the hours. Ms. Cotter stated her plan is to be open seasonally, 7 days a week from 9 am – 7 pm. She stated the building will have steel roof and sides with garage doors, possible stone on the lower section of the sides, and cupolas. The roof and stone will be dark gray; the sides will be parchment color.
Chairman Paterniti stated he would like to see drainage and elevation plans before moving forward with the approval of the project. Also, electrical and lighting plans would be helpful. Janet Briggs inquired about the number of required parking spaces and where deliveries would be made.
Jim Butler moved to table the application until July 13, 2020 at 6:30 pm. At that time, the board would like to review plans for the drainage along with electrical and lighting plans.
All in favor, carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:32 pm.
Respectfully given,
Darlene H. NygrenTown Clerk