The Town of Busti, New York, hereby, requests sealed bids for the following:
Open and close graves, update sexton cemetery records of burials at Bentley, Busti, and Wellman Cemeteries
“Bidders should supply a certificate of insurance ($1,000,000/$2,000,000) with their bids.”
Please submit bids for 3- or 5-year contract terms, and the Town Board reserves the right to choose the term of the contract.
Bids will be received at the office of the Town Clerk, 125 Chautauqua Avenue, Lakewood, New York, 14750, no later than 12 p.m. on January 3, 2025. All bids will be opened at the Town Board meeting on Monday, January 6, 2025.
Sealed envelopes containing each bid must be clearly marked “CEMETERY BID” on the outside.
If you have any questions or would like more information or specifications about the scope of work, please contact Town Clerk at 716-763-8561.
The Town may award the bid based on either the Lowest Responsible Bid or Best Value, in accordance with General Municipal Law §103 and Town of Busti Code §108(4). The Town also reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive incidental informalities, and accepts the bid which in its opinion meets the intent of these specifications and is in the best interest of the Town of Busti.
Busti Town Board
Darlene H. Nygren, Town Clerk