Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What do I need to license my dog?
A. After the dog has reached 4 months of age, it is required to be licensed. At that time, we will need to see a valid rabies certificate and spay/neuter certificate, if applicable. The cost of a dog license per year is $5.00 for a spayed/neutered dog, and $13.00 for an unsprayed/unneutered dog.
Q. How do I get a marriage license?
A. Both parties must be 18 years of age or older and apply in person. At that time, both parties need to present current identification, ie: Drivers License, Passport, ect.; and an original age-related document, ie: birth certificate. If either party has been divorced, they must present divorce papers. There is a 24 hour waiting period and must be married within 60 days. The cost is $40.00.
Q. How do we get rid of garbage in the Town of Busti?
A. The Town of Busti has a transfer station at the corner of Lawson Road and Busti-Sugar Grove Road for Busti and Lakewood residents. A sticker to use the station may be purchased for $110.00 at the Town of Busti Administration Office. Applications can be found in the “forms” drop down under “How do I?” on the town website. Transfer Station stickers are valid from July 1st through June 30th of the following year. We require mandatory recycling.
Q. How do I rent the Lawson Park pavilion or Loomis Park pavilion?
A. The Lawson Park pavilion is rented in two cycles: A.M. to 4:30 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. The cost is whole pavilion $50.00, half of the pavilion is $25.00. There are water, electric and barbeque areas available. The tennis courts, baseball fields, sand volleyball areas are used on a first come basis. The Loomis Park pavilion is rented in two cycles: A.M. to 4:30 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. The cost is $50.00. The tennis and basketball courts are used on a first come basis. There are electric and porta-potties on site. No alcoholic beverages are permitted at either park.
Q. How do I know when I need a permit for construction, swimming pool, or hot tub?
A. You should consult with the Code Enforcement Officer to determine whether a building permit is required under the NYS Fire Prevention & Building Code regardless of whether your proposed use or structure is permitted as of right by the Town’s Zoning Code.
Q. Do I need a building permit to put on siding or a new roof?
A. No, you don’t unless something is changed structurally, such as pitch of the roof.
Q. How can I acquire a Building Permit?
A. You must call the Town Clerk’s Office and schedule an appointment with the Building Officer to see if a Building Permit and any fees are required.
Q. Do you have a dog control officer?
A. Dog Control Officer – Beth Moss – 716-338-7913.
Q. I have a court related matter I need to address. Who do I call?
A. If it is a matter before the Town Court of the Town of Busti, the individual should contact the Court Clerk, Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, 125 Chautauqua Ave., Lakewood. 716-763-4695.
Q. How do I find out who owns a piece of property?
A. Contact the Assessor’s Office 716-763-8561.
Q. What are our office hours? * please see announcement on home page for Holiday Hours
A. Town Clerk and Assessor Clerk office – Monday – Thursday – 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM; Friday – 8:00 AM to 12:30 P.M.
Court Office – Monday – Friday – 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Q. What is the town’s fax number?
A. 716-763-2953.
Q. How do I file for the STAR Program?
A. Contact the Assessor’s Office at 716-763-8561.